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At many universities and colleges, your GPA determines your eligibility for financial aid programs,
scholarships, and other support. If you fall below the minimum GPA (usually 2.0, but varies from
one institution to another), you might lose the financial support.Keeping a college GPA or grade
point average high takes some concentration and effort, even for students
who always did well in high school. The expectations are different for university students than for
those in high school and university coeds who find ways to maintain their grade point average set
themselves up for success in school..
Here are some tips i.e by attend all your classes, determined how much class requires, study at quiet
places and Take good Notes
The 10th series of the annual event of the Turbine Testing Lab at KU, "Current Research in Hydropower Technologies, CRHT-X" has been organized by web-based methods.
A “Seminar on Higher Education Opportunities in Japan” was held at Kathmandu University in Dhulikhel on November 26, 2019..
A seminar on “Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Need for Legal Cooperation” was held at Kathmandu University in Dhulikhel on July 23, 2019. The seminar was organized by KU School of Law (KUSL) in cooperation with Nepal Bar Association (NBA).